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Social Worker


Phone: (210) 662-1060

Ms. Sarah De La Rosa

Hello, my name is Sarah De La Rosa and I am the Campus Social Worker. I have been a social worker for six years and this will be my third year as a Candlewood Eagle. I’m originally from Corpus Christi but moved to San Antonio in 2009 after I graduated high school. I received my Master of Social Work degree in 2018 from the University of Texas at San Antonio and my clinical social work license in 2020.

My role is to provide social-emotional support to students by working with them individually, in small groups, and in classrooms. I also work in collaboration with administration, teachers, parents, and community partners to help identify needed services and resources for our students. I am excited about the new year!



What is a School Social Worker?

School social workers are licensed professionals who provide a variety of services for students, families, schools, and the community.  Working closely with the counselor, and other school staff, school social workers intervene to identify and eliminate barriers to students’ academic achievement and their healthy social-emotional development.