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Vision and Mission


Ensuring Every Eagle S.O.A.R.S (Strives, Overcomes, Achieves, and Rises) to their highest potential.


Every member of the CWE family commits to providing a positive, purposeful, and collaborative environment, ensuring our life-long learners “S.O.A.R.” strive, overcome, achieve, and rise to their highest potential in a safe and secure school.

Candlewood's Campus Commitments

Compassion- We will demonstrate kindness and empathy by listening to our school community with open minds and open hearts.

Teamwork-  We will effectively collaborate by communicating and listening to the needs of our students.

Work Ethic- We will consistently demonstrate fidelity to our campus goals.

Integrity-  We will hold ourselves and each other accountable for our actions.

Community-  We will work together to establish a supportive and positive environment.

Candlewood Creed

I am a Candlewood Eagle.

I have great expectations for myself.  

I accept the challenge to be the best that I can be.

I will make today the very best day of all.

I promise to SOAR like an eagle and SHINE like a star.